10 Things I Like to Do on the Internets

I blog about online video, but there are a few other things I like about the Internets.

Here are 10 ways to escape your mundane existence.

  1. I like reading Uncle Stevy (Stephen King) write about pop culture and film on EW.com (link isn’t working and I actually read it in print on the pooper). I’ve always loved King’s books and short stories, and his column makes me feel like we’re BFFs.
  2. I’ve always adored The Onion, and I used to eagerly await new content on Wednesday’s. Some day I’ll spend on a subscription.
  3. It’s nice to check out Barats and Bereta‘s new videos or Rhett and Link. Something about a duo that’s twice as good as a solo.
  4. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve randomly gone back to watch “Parsnips-A-Plenty.”
  5. The West Virginia Surf Report is hysterical. A man so old he looks like a cigar-smoking cicada. Brilliant. TheSneeze is good too.
  6. Jim Meskimen‘s voices are fun… check out his sound board.
  7. Bored? StumbleUpon is worth adding, and after a while it’s pretty good at knowing what you like.
  8. TechCrunch is usually good for a quick read.
  9. Want to know what’s hawt? Check Yahoo Buzz or Digg.
  10. Don’t care much for news, but occasionally I’ll hit Google News or Drudge Report. Not a big fan of scraping content, but I’m too lazy to read any news site regularly. Plus it kinda defeats the purpose of the Internet: searching for answers or escapism.

How about you? Hidden gems? New sites? Good curated video content I’ve missed?

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  1. 1. Onion is always fun to read lol
    2. Hulu, to lazy to find out at what time my favorite shows are on 😛
    3. CTFxC is what i look forward to everyday
    4. Even though he doesnt come up with videos to often, Kevjumba is still hilarious.
    5. ShaneDawsonTV…no comment
    7. Reuters always has new stuff out
    8. on current TV, supernews is hilarious
    9. Viral video school is always funny
    10. NBC.com has office episodes all the time 🙂

  2. 1. Youtube….you can’t go on the internet without going onto YouTube!

    2. Apple Website….as Apple rules and its fun looking at their products 😀

    3. pressing the ‘I’m feeling lucky’ button on Google. Which at the moment makes the happy new year stuff come up! Which is really good fun 🙂

    4. Facebook, that is just good fun to go on and play games and talk….

    5. Most defiantly twitter (@Lukefish) so much fun tweeting on there LOL

    6. SHAYTARDing and Nalting…guess this links in with YouTube but its just so much fun watching you guys!

    7. Checking the weather on random sites….over here in the UK i check the BBC but i use the DashBoard widget more on the Mac!

    8. Playing on Christmas games….yes no matter what time of the year it is you can’t deny that singing Santa games are so fun!

    9. Checking whats cheap on Amazon, good fun seeing things that could be useful and are quite cheap. Not that i buy them anyway!

    10. Ustream, this is so much fun watching people live on Ustream! I usually watch people from YouTube when their live!

    Those are 10 simple things i do on the internet….your ones are better than mine Nalts! Your videos rule….they are funny all the time 🙂

  3. Some of my favorite things to do on the internets is to subscribe to the new Nalts channel of the week.

    I also enjoy chatting with friends on blogTV

    I enjoy reading the news on Yahoo

    And of course naughty pics on the internet

  4. Okay I would leave a list. But The white dots that keep falling on your sidebars…… ARE DRIVING ME INSANE. But they are pretty cool. Just driving me nuts.

  5. When I open FireFox I always go to the following in order:
    1. Gmail
    2. Facebook
    3. YouTube (most time is spent here)

    Others in no particular order:

    4. http://www.horness.com/tools/screenclean.swf

    5. http://www.flashflashrevolution.com … so addicting.

    6. Onion’s Today NOW! on YouTube (i.e. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KCj_Klp8aY )

    7. StumbleUpon, which led me to http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/3LZWmA/ssshotaru.homestead.com/files/aolertranslator.html – a hit or miss depending on the person, but I find it amusing to paste news articles into this.

    8. Definitely Homestar Runner. Especially Teen Girl Squad. http://www.homestarrunner.com/tgsmenu.html

    9. http://www.grooveshark.com or Pandora Radio

    10. http://www.mapmyrun.com

    11. http://www.rottentomatoes.com is the only source I trust for movie reviews, though I don’t know why because I’m not a tough critic at all when it comes to movies.

    This was a good idea, thanks 🙂

  6. My blog of course – should be skimmed daily or at least occasionally

    I added links to pages I’ve visited on the side according to category – too many to list, but depending on your interests something worthwhile for everyone.

    I’m a little behind, but always looking for more… leave your interesting link(s) under select on my blog and I’ll add them to the list

  7. usually I use StumbleUpon while listening to free online radio on pandora.com

    Pandora is cool because you don’t have to sit through crap you don’t like, and you can customize what you listen to to a certain extent.

  8. Bit upset Warlocksarewatching wasn’t in the first 5 of that list. But hey, there’s always another list right? : )


  9. 1. YouTube!
    2. Hotcouponworld.com for all the great deals and coupons. Saves me hundreds a year on groceries and health/beauty products!
    3. I opened a Facebook account only two weeks ago and am slowly becoming addicted. I refuse to play the games though so I might be safe from full blown addiction.
    4. On-line mahjong!
    5. Chatting on BlogTV with my favorite You Tube people.
    6. The Young Turks-I’m going through withdrawals!

  10. 1. Addicted to Facebook; checking in with my friends and playing games;
    2. Checking YouTube to see if Kevin has uploaded anything recently and watching Mr. Diety and Man in the Box Show.
    3. Getting lost on Stumble Upon.
    4. Checking out deals on various sites like Woot.
    5. Checking Twitter (and this page) for updates on NutCheese’s bowel movements.

  11. gee thanks nalts!
    i come here often but commenting just seems too much like work. but I do learn something so that means I’m not “spying.” there are indeed many channels/blogs where I do spy.
    i also frequent the Underwire blog http://www.wired.com/underwire/
    other than that, I’m fond of breakfast for dinner but that’s not internet-based.

  12. The things that keep coming up for me on stumbleupon are making me concerned. It makes me feel like if this is what they are suggesting I would enjoy, they think I have mental health issues. I have to admit though… the shit that comes up makes me giggle.

  13. Thanks for the love Nalts! Have I ever told you how much of a sweetheart you are? No. Well then, thanks you big sweety.

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