
10 People Bought My DVD

Yey! Nine people bought my “Best of Nalts” DVD, which is precisely 8 more than I expected. Thank you:

  1. Damon (Maryland)
  2. Kimberley (Florida)
  3. Mattias (Sweden)
  4. Jason (New York)
  5. Krysta (Canada)
  6. Gordon (UK)
  7. Ian (England)
  8. James (Georgia)
  9. Diane (CT)

One of the problems about it is that you can’t select “play all.” Unfortunately, my Mac crashed and I lost the whole project so I can’t fix that. Thank goodness I produced the DVD, because some of those videos are gone except on this DVD and YouTube.

The quality is amazing, but people in general don’t like to pay for content they can get for free. So I didn’t expect to retire on this, much less cover my cell bill for a month.

Update: March 22. One more!

  • Robert R. (PA)

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  1. I would have bought one if just once you’d mention my name in your blog AND spell it right. Oh well, çest la vie! Your lose

  2. I didn’t buy one because I don’t have one of those monstrously large flat screen HD tv’s. Buy me one and I’ll buy a dvd. Heck, maybe I’ll go nuts and buy another one for my mother, although I will probably have to pay her to actually watch it. She doesn’t even watch my videos. But that’s a conversation I should be having with my therapist, not on this crappy little blog run by a 12 year old boy who has 32.488 suscribers and regularly gets over 10,000 views per video and is in the partners program and is one of the most beloved people on youtube even though he frequently makes videos torturing small animals.

    I think that’s another conversation I should be having with my therapist.

  3. “not on this crappy little blog run by a 12 year old boy who has 32.488 suscribers and regularly gets over 10,000 views per video and is in the partners program and is one of the most beloved people on youtube even though he frequently makes videos torturing small animals” ……..sukatra,ur 2 funny!

  4. “10 People Bought My DVD March 19, 2008
    Posted by Nalts in : Nalts, YouTube , trackback
    Yey! Nine people bought my “Best of Nalts” DVD, which is precisely 8 more than I expected.”………….
    so 10 people bought ur dvd,then before you could finish this post,someone returned one of them? 😉

  5. Its me again,hey kev,if u ever get a windows computer,be sure and buy a sony vaio,they are way more expensive,but run almost silently,perform flawlessly,and last through years of abuse.Im using my august 2002 model vaio,and it still works perfectly! its only got 60 gigs,but i store everything online at mediamax.com And dont forget to eat at tacobell at least twice a day,thats 3 plugs in one paragraph,youd think id get a free pc or at least a burrito supreme

  6. steve if he ever bought a sony computer I’d drive to his house with an ax and an ak47, then I would fly to arizona and throw that machine into the grand canyon, then bury it in a superfund site in alaska! DON’T get me started!

  7. jischinger — ooooooh, superfund site. I never thought of that as a place to dispose of my murder weapons. Excellent!

  8. Haha… I’m honored to make up 10% of your purchases!

    Good work on the DVD, must say I’m really happy with my copy. I’m surprised that more people didn’t buy it.

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