Tag Archives: popular

I Am an Internet Superstar, so Bow to Me.

Read the blog’s masthead, friends. WillVideoforFood is about big ideas in video creation, new means of advertising and marketing, constructive debates via comments (even the ones about gymnast bulges), and the advancement of the “little guy.” But it’s also partially self promotion for this mythical beast named Nalts. There aren’t any ads on the blog, so instead I do “product placement” for the hot-headed jackass (and he in turn lets me, Kevin Nalty, write about stuff I actually care about).

But here’s the weird thing. I’m blogging about the fact that I was on Revision3’s Internet Superstar show (hosted by Martin Sargent) and I haven’t yet watched it. Last week we did the interview live, but I taped my side and mailed it to him so we didn’t have to use some crappy webcam.

Now I’m blogging about this appearance without time to watch it. Gotta run to a meeting (actually first I have to take another doody, which I hate doing at work… but Ultram ER or Celebrex makes you take a lot of work “grasshoppers”).

So I ask you, dear reader, did this clip make me look cool or an idiot? I’ll come to my own conclusions when I get back to my desk (and will comment below- but write yours first). I’ll let you know how that poop worked out too if you’d like.

The funny thing about this show is that it’s not really popular yet. Touch niche: shows about video creators. I’ve tried with Metacafe Unfiltered and The Bubble Gum Tree Show (sorry- taped a BabyEaters and Happyslip one but it just keeps slipping to quadrant 3 and 4 on the Franklin Covey Time Matrix).

Martin’s format is more lively and television like… and maybe that’s the trick. Hey that poop just entered quadrant one of the Franklin Covey Time Matrix.

Dang I\'m hot.

Media Stereotypes Online-Video Clichés

There’s no question that traditional media tends to characterize online video — and YouTube in particular — as a cute fad. Certainly the bulk of the stories are about the “one hit wonders,” Internet clichés, and sensational hits like Chris Crocker, Sneezing Pandas, laughing babies and Star Wars Kid.

When I saw some recent Comedy Central parodies, I actually got a little frustrated that comedy writers are captivated with the drama prairie dog, and misses the more interesting trends:

The boys on Southpark were right that the distribution channel is still far from a mature monetization model. But it’s getting more interesting and obviously an important trend and not a fad.

spoof of traditional media’s coverage of youtubeAs I was thinking about all this, I felt compelled to spoof my somewhat defensive reaction. So here’s me taking this argument to an absurd extreme. Attacking media for stereotypes, only to resort to groveling for an SNL deal with Lauren Michaels.

Top YouTube Creator Spinning Off New Video-Community Site (working title RenettoTube.com)

Renetto’s new YouTube siteOne of the most popular YouTube creators, “Renetto,” has been discussing a revolution, and aspirations to create a new website for unmet online-video community. The new site, a homage to Paul Robinette’s self absorption, is aptly titled “RenettoTube.” I announced the new site in this video from last weekend (see launch video). Oh- and I created the fake site as a joke that was lost on many.

Renetto recently created a video where he’s reacting to the more than 180 comments appearing on RenettoTube. For the record, my only fake entry was from MrSafety.

So it’s a joke, but based on reality. If Renetto does get a bunch of creators to participate in an online video site “by the people and for the people,” what are the opportunities and risks? I’d like to hear from you, dear reader. I’ll start the process, though…


  • Smaller entity can better meet needs of the smaller subset of YouTube that is primarily participating because of the joy of community.
  • If he attracts a lot of big creators, it will be hard to ignore.
  • The new site could, in theory, keep lean and more focused.


  • It’s very hard to monetize user-generated content. Renetto will need strong partnerships with online-media buyers, who are still struggling to get their clients to post ads around what they perceive as a risky collection of content.
  • Will viewers migrate? It’s a big challenge to get YouTubers to another site. We saw the mess of LiveVideo’s attempt to develop a YouTube clone, and maybe a little more reluctant to migrate.
  • The battle against YouTube (with air cover from Google) is not trivial. Renetto and his companions will need to differentiate, focus and outsmart the 100 pound gorilla.

Renetto, many know, is an entrepreneur and inventor with good relationships with other creators. So it’s worth watching closely. Stay tuned as more news develops.