Tag Archives: october 2

Sarah Palin to Provide “Cringer” Quotes during Vice President Debate. Video Parodies Begin to Stew.

sarah palin paper maskWell it’s time to ready the cameras for the inevitable parade of Sarah Palin parodies based on tonight’s Vice President Debate! We’re having friends over, and I’ve already purchased 16 Sarah-Palin paper masks (and only 8 Biden ones, as I don’t expect them to be as popular).

What’s going to be the great Sarah Palin quote tonight? The one that echoes through YouTube, like these classics (courtesy of Toronto Star, it’s the “Best of Palin on YouTube.” A free piece of cheese to the first comment below that documents the first “cringer” from tonight’s debate. So while you’re watching, be sure to hit this post and transcribe the most moronic statement you hear. And a verbatim transcript of her entire portion will not qualify even if everything’s a “cringer.”

Thanks to Keith (below) for this lovely site… it generates Palin quotes!