Tag Archives: nobody

You’re Ugly

Oh sorry. I wasn’t speaking to you. I was talking to the blog.

Would value your tips on improving the look and experience of this blog. I used to enjoy interacting more with commenters, but now “new comments” has been demoted visually beneath the big book.

So a few thoughts, and welcome yours:

1) More photos, shorter copy. That’s on me.

2) Better masthead. This one’s too salesy and big. Quirky but professional , and aesthetic would be better. Anyone good at that?

3) Community first… make it easy to comment from any profile and encourage it… I may be able to customize Thesis to do that. But if you know of a newer and better wordpress plugin/theme please let me know.

Thanks! I really want a simple visual cue on what new blog posts are generating comments… Sorting “most read” blog posts is good for the noob but I’m more interested in the loyalists.

P.S. As Uncle Seth sayz, less is more. This thing’s a bit too overwhelming maybe.