Tag Archives: five

Trend Spotting: Tag-Team Vlogging… Brothers, Awesome Girls, Guys, Kids and Dogs.

picture-5.pngIt’s the hottest new trends in video vlogging since ZeFrank jumped the shark. A video channel shared by multiple people, each of whom takes a certain day of the week. The possibilities are endless.

picture-4.pngThought it’s probably an art form that has roots in the 1700s, this was mainstreamed by BrotherHood 2.0, where two brothers shared a channel for a year and communicated almost exclusively on a public stage. Then along came FiveAwesomeGirls, in which each vlogger takes a day of the week (they rest and shop on the weekend). Not to be outdone, the second-most intelligent gender came out with FiveAwesomeGuys.

We started 7AwesomeKids, and now there’s 5AwesomeDogs (here’s their canine debut).

What’s next?