Tag Archives: demographic

Are You Young or Old? Rich or Poor? Your Tech Reveals All…

Want to know if you’re rich or poor? Young or old? Here’s a way to tell that’s easier than profiling yourself on RealAge or auditing W2’s.

1. Do You Search Facebook or Google Plus?

Use Facebook to search? You’re more likely to earn less than $100K and be old. Use Google+ for search and you’re more likely to make more than $100K and be younger. Don’t shoot the messenger here (for he is older and poorer than you think). Shoot comScore instead, and recognize that this is perhaps more indicative of the “early adopters” of Google Plus, who are perhaps largely both young and rich (a lucrative target market). Haven’t heard of Google Plus? You may be dead.

2. iPhone or Android?

comScore’s San Francisco office exclusively uses iPhones, and its New York office is littered with Androids, but those searching on these devices are fairly similar in demographics. So this doesn’t really say as much about you as you’d like to believe. Still using a Blackberry? Save your upgrade cash for a funeral plot.

3. Use Bing? Yeah you’re old with kids

Sorry. You’re more likely to be old with kids. Sure this is 2-year-old data, but the only thing newer about Bing is that it’s better at travel searches. Now get back to work. 

4. Do you accept mobile coupons?

If so, you’re probably 18-34 years old. If not, you’re probably older. If the mobile coupon is for Depends, just keep moving like a horse, and piss wherever and whenever you like.

5. Read TechCrunch or CrabbyOldFart?

Yeah, I’ll let you guess on that one. If you’re still using your hotmail or aol account, I’d like to welcome you to your first “blog” and encourage you to upgrade your 56K modem.

Shit no I'm not surfing on this bitch.

Mom Blogs? No Time. Let’s Try Mom Online Video.

There’s no shortage of blogs written for and by mothers. But WifeofNalts now has a new YouTube channel called “Joeymoms.” The purpose is to bring relevant content to moms in a fun, irreverent way in a delivery medium for which moms have time… video. The name was chosen for two reasons. First, there are virtually no other common mom names available. Second, a YouTube channel needs to be about a person not just a topic. Rather than WifeofNalts or MomTubers or something, we went with Joeymoms… kinda like Nerdfighters. It’s hosted by Joey, but bigger than her. Hoping a community of other moms forms, and maybe this channel attracts some new people to YouTube.

There’s one thing that’s certain. There’s no shortage of advertisers trying to reach moms, and most of them want content by moms (as opposed to a male creator that happens to have a large audience of mothers). While this isn’t likely to rival Fred or Nigahiga, it’s getting my wife excited about the YouTube community, and I’ve found her migrating from Facebook to her channel in her scarce spare time.

The tricky thing about mom content is that it can be lifestage dependent, and boring. Moms typically form community around specific milestones like new babies, toddlers, teenagers, or “off to college.” That’s too niche for a new channel, so she’s trying to speak to a broader range of moms. It’s kinda Momversations meets The View meets Entertainment Tonight. Done for and by moms, but not devoted to mom topics exclusively… for moms that are more than moms.

Whatya think? I’m racking my lil’ marketing brain trying to figure out how to grow it, so it can be a resource for moms… showcase other YouTube channels and good online resources for this audience.  The fundamental question is this… there aren’t many popular mom channels on YouTube. Is that because there’s not a market for it, or simply that nobody has cracked the code? We’ll find out!