Tag Archives: children

How To Direct Childran in Video (without crew)

So you’re a parent making an amateur video, and you don’t have a crew. You want to get the best out of the kids, but you know they’ve got the patience and attention of a fruit fly (a trait they inherited from someone). Here are some tips.

In the sample videos, both promotions, my children were generally not delivering their solo lines with their siblings. It’s too hard to keep them all together for more than 10 minutes, and they make each other laugh. So I shoot wide shots first, then take them one-one-one for individual lines. Then I edit longer lines — using “cutaway” shots so you don’t realize the entire line wasn’t read at once. The cutaways allow you to believe the kids are still gathered together.

Here are some other pointers…

• Have all props ready
• Get tripod and lighting together- best if daylight
• Incent kids (but best not to bribe); give them a time limit (15 min)
• Ask if they cam commit to that time (a verbal yes increases odds). I never like to impose or threaten them.
• Shoot all wide shots first (group ones)
• Stay off tripod for tight shots- allows spontaneity and motion shots
• Give them a cue (go!) and ask them to wait one second
• Feed them lines in tone you want delivered
• Break long lines us, and use cutaway
• If they mess up, encourage, keep rolling, do again
• When they get a line right, praise them (avoid fake praise)
• Allow for improv lines and moments
• When shooting individually, get cutaway shots of them looking in direction of other kids (even if they’ve wandered off)

Spontaneity. You can’t script lines like the horse/car and “old fashioned hot dog” lines in the video below. Most of the time my kids provide me better stuff than I could script. If you select “more” you’ll see the script of a video called “Couch Digging.” In this, the kids keep pulling out stranger things from the couch cushions. I’m too wacked on medicine to patiently shoot this right now, and I’m hoping Katie (age 13) will direct it and I can edit it. I know the best lines and shots will be spontaneous like Grant’s lines in Dr. Who below.

Storyboarding. Don’t know, don’t do it. I barely script.


Creepy Japanese Robot Children Must Die

I will not stop until I’ve tasted the blood of an American

From a news story today, and not “The Onion.” See the videos here if you really want nightmares.

  • The creators of the Child-robot with Biomimetic Body, or CB2, say it’s slowly developing social skills by interacting with humans and watching their facial expressions, mimicking a mother-baby relationship (see full creepy story).
  • “Babies and infants have very, very limited programmes. But they have room to learn more,” said Osaka University Minoru Asada.
  • Asada’s project brings together robotics engineers, brain specialists, psychologists and other experts, and is supported by the state-funded Japan Science and Technology Agency.
  • And he hopes that this little CB2 may lead the way into this brave new world, with the goal to have the robo-kid speaking in basic sentences within about two years, matching the intelligence of a two-year-old child.
  • By 2050, Asada wants a robotic team of football players to be able take on the human World Cup champions — and win.

Seriously, though. Are you kidding me? Am I the only one who has ever watched a science fiction movie? That little bald robot bastard is going to have Asada caged like a gimp in his basement before 2011. And then we know exactly what happens next.

The damned CB2s are our supreme rulers, and they start f’ing multiplying. Then suddenly hiding among HDTVs inside crates arriving to our Eastern shipping ports are little three-fingered Japanese robot children — so bald, pale and innocent. They make us laugh, become popular in social media (‘follow me on Twitter,’ they’ll say with weepy eyes). Then they’ll become friends with our children to recruit our next generation as their slaves.

All I can hope is this race of evil bald Asian robots becomes so intelligent that they develop a time machine- and one of OUR people heist it to return to 2009 and warn Minoru Asada of what he’s starting. And if, before embarking on his time machine mission, this savior happens upon this blog as part of his or her research… please try to convince Asada to turn this around before capping him with a 45 millimeter. He’ll only be replaced by another small, ambitious and well-meaning Japanese researcher.

Naturally, I’m just kidding. I want one of those cute little robots. I heard Madonna is adopting one.

Videogame Violence & Your Children (Parody PSA)

This video has been in discussion for months and months, and I gotta give props to SlatersGarage and Iggy35 for continuing to provide pieces for it, as I stalled on it. CharlesTrippy, FallofAutumnDistro and Edbassmaster all turned around their parts with about 24-hours notice or less!

The idea hit me earlier this year, and it was going to be a fake news report about violence, where you’re supposed to believe it’s condemning violence. But then the clips get stranger and stranger. Then it seemed like the 1940-style public service announcements (PSA) made more sense, and the campy music makes a nice contrast to the simulated violence… Frogger getting run over, Mario’s head falling off, Dora the Explorer shouting “sniper says no sniping.”

Credit to my nephew who helped develop the concept and even provided some gurgling sound effects for it.

Seems to have been worth the effort given early response. I haven’t had too many of my videos shoot to the top-20 best rated videos within hours. THANKS co-collaborators!

Seven Awesome Kids Launches

seven awesome kidsHere’s a new YouTube channel called , where the Nalts kids join 6 other families for a rotating blog (in the tradition of FiveAwesomeGirls and FiveAwesomeGuys (fiveawesomekids was taken, and we had more families that wanted to participate).

This is the debut video, which features:
