Category Archives: GooTube

Finding the Right Online Video Site for Your Needs

I wrote this article for The Daily Reel about finding the right online video site — whether you’re after fame, fortune or friends.

Contrary to popular belief, YouTube isn’t the definitive video-sharing site for everyone. Knowing what you want is the first step in figuring out where to share. When it comes to sharing videos online, there are literally hundreds of sites to choose from. Knowing which one is right for you begins with knowing your style, your audience and — most importantly — your biggest goal. (click here to read more)

Maybe Disney-ABC Won’t Pinch GooTube’s Head

 In a recent analyst call, Disney-ABC Television president framed content piracy as a competitor. Disney has always had the most fierce content attorneys, so this is a surprising quote. Via an arstechnica article I found in Adriana’s furl.

“So we understand piracy now as a business model,” said Anne Sweeney, the president of Disney-ABC Television Group. “It exists to serve a need in the marketplace specifically for consumers who want TV content on demand and it competes for consumers the same way we do, through high-quality, price and availability and we don’t like the model. But we realize it’s effective enough to make piracy a key competitor going forward. And we’ve created a strategy to address this threat with attractive, easy to use ways to for viewers to get the content they want from us legally; in other words, keeping honest people honest.”