Category Archives: Blogs on Video

Terrific Post on Engadget About Online Videos & Money Making

endgadget.jpgI love this post from Engadget. It's about YouTube and its costs and profitability. Engadget estimates that YouTube probably pays about a million a month in broadband. Given that it has recent funding of about $8 million, it's only bought itself the summer to show that it can profit.

Engadget traces the history of sites that start with free to prove the worth, and then migrate to models that are substantiated by ads or charge visitors. Certainly the former makes more sense since I don't see us soon paying another monthly fee (beyond broadband, cell, cable TV, etc.).

Check out the Engadget article, and this brief from AdJab that calles YouTube the 5th network.

Best Buy Blue Shirt Prank

bestby.jpgWhat a great site this is… These folks get together for giant pranks that cause scenes.

Check out the latest "mission" from last month… They gathered together dozens of people to enter Best Buy dressed in the store's uniform colors (khaki and blue). Here's the video highlights on Vimeo.

If you like this, you'll like this one… where they put about 60 cell phones in checked bags at a bookstore, and had another 60 people call them in sequences.

Or how about when they wore no pants on an NYC subway?

Tin Cupping Vloggers

have money.jpg

A new site is helping video bloggers (vloggers) get funding for their projects. Below is a the description from the site, and here's a writeup by DVGuru on the initiative: "Have Money Will Vlog."

Traditional artists can apply for grants to make their work. Have Money Will Vlog supports videobloggers trying to do the amazing. The power of the community can fund projects on a regular basis. You easily spend $10 or more everytime you go out to see a movie…so consider donating $10 a month to a videoblog project. If we have 100 people that give $10 a month, that’s $1000. Let’s energize creators.